What on earth are you doing??!

In 2019 when I was unsuccessful in my bid to represent the people of Rother Valley as an Independent MP many people suggested I should stand for Rotherham Council instead, in my local ward...

In 2021 during the local elections I was busy trying to steer my business through the COVID pandemic and so the time wasn’t right as I won’t commit to anything I can’t give my full attention to. It wouldn’t be fair to the people I promised to represent (more on that later in the week)…

But now I feel the time is right. And I still strongly feel the time is right for independent representation. Political affiliation should have no business in local Government. My political views should make no difference to my passion for supporting and representing (and wanting the best) for my local area and the people who live there. It’s something I’ve always tried to do throughout my life anyway.

So here’s me saying I’m going to stand in May. I hope that over time you’ll support me and we can demonstrate that an Independent councillor is absolutely best for the job.

Thank you for reading.



Treeton Crossroads (& Robin Hood)